Thursday, April 9, 2020

poem of hope: Hope in the Covid times

poem of Hope in the current times

Let’s keep the music on

“we must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”

--Martin Luther King, Jr.

fear-tethered unity across maps

bereft of dots

resonates in unmatched grace

virtual synergy in cyberspace

kindred tears, parallel dreams

remain dressed in their formal best

defying blackholes of the time


promulgation, communication

from sanitized sites of seclusion

from bondages of quarantine

death in a hurry, whirlpools of misery

outsides clad in ghost-shadows

(Goya’s dead escape from his dark paintings)

but the insides, in meditative chants

keep the music on


Vishnu* beseeched, Indra invoked

earth rechristened hell

seas remain formless, skies smothered

the sun limps on crutches of shadows

universe measures its memory’s depth

in recall of moribund songs

of the savage grippe espagnole**

yet raga bhairavi*** meanders in

to keep the music on


heavens wrapped in grey shrouds

muzzled beaks of singing larks

thoughts circle broken mirrors

brutal history carves itself

on the city’s throbbing face

yet, that infinitesimal spark of hope

eludes the ferocity of annihilation

to keep the music on


the wrinkled man whispers love

to moist eyes of an age-bent wife

tears too have dreamshe says

the third eye of the westward sky

has its own tale to tell---

homeward birds are flying in

with the loving, distant folks and kin

to keep the music on


past water-rapids, through forest-shades

anticipation in green embrace

wings its way to earth’s door--

the rare orchid will bloom again

herons will fly the sky in flocks

gentle zephyrs would sing once more


who says

melodies are extinct?

*Known as the preserver, Lord Vishnu is one of three supreme Hindu deities. Vishnu's role is to protect humans and to restore order to the world. Indra, in Hindu mythology is the king of gods.

**The Spanish flu of 1918

***Bhairavi is a Hindustani Classical sampurna raga. 


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